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You can access the Antenatal and Newborn Screening e-learning Modules on the following link
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This course comprises a selection of modules provided by Health Education England which are relevant to nurses who attend the End Of Life Care Induction and also to the participants on End Of Life Care Simulation at Epsom and St Helier . The modules selected include: Dying in Acute HospitalsMental Capacity Act in practiceDiscussing food and fluidsAgitation and Restlessness in the Dying PhaseSkills which facilitate good communicationBenefits and risks of ACP to patients, families and staff Assessment of spiritual wellbeingCare After Death I Introduction to Care After Death
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Initial training in use of the glucose meter must be face to face, a barcode will be provided at face to face training, e-learning is for re-certification only- to book into a face to face session please contact the POCT team at
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Initial training in use of the glucose meter must be face to face, a barcode will be provided at face to face training, e-learning is for re-certification only- to book into a face to face session please contact the POCT team at
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Initial training in use of the glucose meter must be face to face, a barcode will be provided at face to face training, e-learning is for re-certification only- to book into a face to face session please contact the POCT team at
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Go to eLFH to learn how you can help with health literacyThis session provides an introduction to health literacy, why it is important and the core techniques that can be used to improve health literacy.